Thank you for your interest in submitting music to 89.3 the Raven.
Please read the following guidelines carefully regarding the submission of your music content:
- All submitted music will be checked for quality, and must adhere to CRTC broadcast guidelines
- Cancon is given priority for airplay on 89.3 the Raven
- Music that is deemed inappropriate will NOT be given airplay. A key consideration when submitting your song is to provide a radio edit. This may mean censoring any swearing on the track, and it may mean adjusting the track to ensure it isn’t too long (3-4 Minutes Max)
- Only MP3 or WAV tracks will be accepted. Links sent to download from Spotify, Dropbox, YouTube, I-tunes, QR codes or any other streaming site, will be ignored. (With exception to DMDS & PlayMPE Service)
- Cover songs will not be given consideration for airplay. No exceptions.
- Provide a short bio – a couple of facts about yourself.
- Once you submit your song, it will be reviewed by our Music Department.
- 89.3 the Raven has the right to refuse submissions from artists or bands
- Please keep in mind that we receive many submissions, so sometimes it can take a bit before a release is reviewed. It will not be reviewed the same day that you send it.
- When the music department reviews your submission, and if we accept it for airplay, we will notify you via email.
Please submit your music via MP3 or WAV format to: