Pakoseyimowin – In the Cree language , translates to Hope.
The main mission for the society in Edmonton is to promote positive change, mend hearts, and contribute to reconciliation through healing the impacts of intergenerational trauma and reconnecting with culture and community.
They have teamed up with Heritage Canada to create a new film, produced by Jolie Flett and directed by Nipiy Iskwew.
The ladies stopped by the studio to chat about the film how it came about and what we can expect at the event on Friday :
Please join The Creating Hope Society to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination for a special screening and panel discussion of this powerful anti-racism documentary, featuring interviews with inspiring individuals.
Through the lens of the Medicine Wheel—Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual—the film focuses on resilience and the power of hope in the face of racism. Stay for an engaging conversation with the creators and guests. Light refreshments will be served.
RSVP tot he FREE event here.